ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

Place Shape

Used to place a polygonal shape by entering a series of data points to define the vertices.

Length If on, sets segment length, in working units.
(Active) Angle If on, constrains sides to the Active Angle, which can be keyed in.
Area Active Area — Solid or Hole.
Fill Type Active Fill Type — None (no fill), Opaque (filled with Active Color), or Outlined (filled with Fill Color).
Fill Color Sets the color and optional gradient with which the shape is filled.
  • If Fill Type is Opaque, the Active Color.
  • If Fill Type is Outlined, the fill color can be different from the Active Color.
Close Element Closes a shape by connecting the first point with the last point.
Tip: The Place SmartLine tool in the Linear Elements toolbox, particularly when used in conjunction with AccuDraw, affords more flexibility for placing polygonal shapes than Place Shape.
Note: In 3D, the Place Shape tool forces the shape vertices to be planar. If non-planar data points are entered, the vertices of the shape are forced to a plane defined by the first three non-colinear vertices.